Deleting your facebook email

As much of you will know thanks to @minipunkFacebook allows anyone to write as yourself if you have your facebook mail activated.

Facebook, a really intuitive system in which all the information architecture is very organized (ironic mode) makes the deactivation of the facebook mail a little tricky.

For those like me who do not share the lucidity of Facebook engineers the location of the facebook mail option is not so obvious (I was looking it as a service, not under mail settings).

Here is a how-to in three easy steps. They have done well with usability, though. Only three clicks.

1) Access to your account config

2) Edit mail settings

3) Delete facebook mail account

Secure USB


Sometimes they are just impossible.


Perspective: 10 years (videogames)

Today we all know how the videogames are. Almost real, with great stories, or with an insane gameplay.

We have multiple platforms and multiple game modes today. Nintendo, the company that always is a step ahead and gives us all the revolutionary –even when are all the rest which takes advantage of this– surprises us every year with something new.

Today we play with controls that recognize the movement, or we play even without controls. And we must wait for much more suprises in the future.

Looking back (21 years…) I can remember a game that surprises us for its gameplay and its polygons. It was Monkey Island.

The game had broken with the prior gameplay, options, scenario, graphics and sound (and with the plot) that we had seen three years before in which was the king of the computers: The Prince of Persia.

We were all astonished, looking at the screen and saying things like woah! look the definition or look, look, it’s almost rounded! You cannot see the polygons!. Yup.

I remember too Another World, a great game with a good story thad had little influence in Spain because of it’s dreadful gameplay.

But the revolution was coming. PS2 already existed, and SEGA decided, for the first time, to develop a videogame for others. And then we had REZ, from SEGA. An experimental concept game (it was not a good game indeed) that will lead the way for the future.
REZ, totally ignored in Spain, made a difference in the history of videogames.

P.S.: Can you find the reference to All Your Base?

WordPress in Coda

Coda is the program we use to code in PHP.

Pradador, Coda user, has written a WordPress mode for Coda. You can download it here. It’s very simple, but very useful too. Once installed in our system, Coda will autocomplete our WordPress functions, doing our life much easier.

WordPress Mode has its default colors. If your are like us and use Coda with black background, you will like our mecus-custom-stylesheet. You can download it here.

Have fun!

Coda in WordPress Mode

Tuenti: no support for your browser

This is the screen I had today.

tuenti FAIL in Opera 10

I can understand it with Internet Explorer (and I don’t know if they have support for it or not). But it’s amazing they do it with Ópera 10.